“It’s a job that’s never started that takes the longest to finish.”— J.R.R. Tolkien
LitterProject supporters are every person who decides to “pick up a piece every day.”
There are also many organizations and businesses who choose to organize clean up projects in their communities. The individuals and organizations listed below have shown exceptional commitment and dedication.
To all of you, a huge thank you.
Jay Williams
Good Humans
Striper Moon
Koyo Steering Systems of USA
Scott Pilkington of Sequatchie River
TrashReceptacles.biz: commercial trash receptacles
Denee Danchik
Caity Conklin
Auntie LitterIn West Seattle several folks have started picking up one bucket of litter every week. They are blogging about their experiences at: http://inthebucket.wordpress.com/
Do you know a LitterProject hero? Please leave a reply (you’ll need to register first). Thank you.