The door to happiness opens outward. – Soren Kierkegaard
Before anything else, I suggest to “just do it.” That is, to pick up a piece of litter each day. If you tell people about your daily habit, you will surely inspire at least a few more supporters.
Over 60% of the people who hear about this will find themselves picking up trash within a few weeks. The idea is simple and catchy… and works!
So one piece per day; that’s a start. But how about for a clean up project?!
I suggest picking a favorite area near where you live, a park, abandoned lot, street, beach, whatever…. and decide to pick up trash for a couple of hours on a particular day. A good nature such as yours will naturally attract people who will want to join your litterproject. Attach your activity to a day of meaning, and others can also have something tell others about what they are doing (example: “My friend Martin and I are doing a New Years Cleanup at Elm Park.”)
I have organized many fundraisers, clean up projects and volunteer service projects, and suggest a 7 point program for making your litterproject successful.